Oh my goodness, where have I been with all my creative enthusiasm you must all be thinking!!! jeeeeeeeeeee whizzzzzzzzzzz lately I feel like I have been running on a tread mill that I can’t get off and when I do it feels too totally weird so I have to jump straight back on again. As you know I am currently preparing for my first pop up shop and launch party in London at the end of the month. (and as my social media countdown posts are telling me!!! the end is in sight!!! eek!)
Amongst the excitement and enthusiasm that goes with it, there is waves of exhaustion too…BUT I will leave no stone un turned and keep riding this bubbling wave until I feel like every little thing is ticked off my list!!! I am getting there believe it or not!!! I see a pop up event, with an awesome launch party appearing on the horizon and I will just have to keep going until I get there. Reach for the stars and never give up is my moto of the moment!!!!
So as you can imagine, I have had moments of the ‘mothers guilt’ when I feel I should be doing more/spending time more with my children (despite running round like a headless chicken daily for them) as my time has been spent prepping A LOT this month. However this little activity that I popped out on the kitchen table this afternoon, was an absolute winner, relaxing, thought provoking and engaging. My boys loved it, I loved it and those precious moments were cherished. This is what we did….
what you need…
- playdough (this can be made using my playdough recipe from a previous blog http://placeoflittledreams.com/playdough/ )
- nursery rhyme picture books
- nursery rhyme music
what to do…
- make your playdough if you don’t already have any!!! so easy to do…follow my recipe from the above link
- if you have shop brought playdough then just get started!!!
- look through some nursery rhymes with the children, reading them and discussing which characters/animals are in them
- suggest that they use the playdough to make some of the characters/animals
- for example insy winsy spider, or ladybird ladybird, little miss moppet etc
- whilst they are busy creating their masterpieces, find a playlist of nursery rhymes and enjoy singing them round the kitchen table!!!
- its a winner, you can’t go wrong!!!
into a little dream adventure…
- there are so many wonderful nursery rhymes that can so often be lost to the modern jingles of tv shows. I believe its really important to in still a love of nursery rhymes for a child. Whether it be through looking at the pictures, or singing them from a playlist, or reading them at bedtime, they should be part of every child’s childhood
- Children love rhyme – there are so many fabulous children’s stories out there these days with fabulous rhyming pattern, this helps to develop recognition of sound as well as imagination and extending concentration
- maybe find a favourite nursery rhyme and find matching toys to bring the rhyme to life, reenacting it with the toy figures
- or even better get your child to dress up as the characters in the nursery rhyme and reenact it with siblings or friends or yourself!!!
- maybe your child would like to draw or paint out the nursery rhyme
- allow as many open ended opportunities for discussion – asking questions such as, what happened next? how do you think it would have continued if there was more verse? was that a happy or sad rhyme?
- encourage your child to make a rhyme up of their very own!!!! taking turns in this so they benefit from your knowledge of rhyme but they enlighten you with their innocence