…pretend to be a pixie, and tip toe through the woods. All you need to make a simple eucalyptus crown for your little one.
what you need…
- stems of eucalyptus
- scissors
- gardening twine
what to do…
- choose enough stems that will go around your child’s head
- wrap two ends of the eucalyptus stem, with the gardening twine and secure
- take a third stem and see how much more you need to create the rest of the crown, i think 2 or 3 stems would be sufficient for a child’s head
- using the gardening to tie up any of the loose ends to secure the crown
- place on the child’s head and allow the creative role play begin…
into a little dream adventure…
- nature crowns can be created using so many different shrubs, branches and flowers – make a daisy crown in the summer, or a fir crown in the winter, or collect leaves during the autumn and create a beautiful autumnal crown, or a selection of beautiful spring flowers to create blossoming blooms crown
- walk around the garden with your child and see which shrubs and flowers your child might like to wear in their crown…encourage curiosity by finding out what they are called, the colours they show, whether they are seasonal plants, what is their favourite flower? maybe take a few cuttings of their favourite flowers and encourage your child to draw pictures of the flowers, and writing out the name of each…
- with cuttings of flowers it is lovely to keep them and press them for future projects