Founder & director: Lexi Heriot Maitland
I am a wife.
A mother of 3.
A friend to many.
A Montessori teacher.
Having grown up in rural Wiltshire, down a one mile track in the depths of the countryside, surrounded by beauty, nature and freedom, my free spirit was created and nurtured and always ready to explore!!! My parents had four children. Home was a place where we could always come to, escape to and retreat to. After flying the nest, like a swallow ready to migrate, I travelled to various parts of the world, took up new hobbies, and as my father said ‘explored the university of life!’ I dabbled in photography, fashion, floristry and then I landed in London at the tender age of 20. I loved it, as soon as I stepped foot on the the buzz of the pavements, the hussle and bussle of the people, the lights, the music, the energy, the endless possibilities!!! I also met my husband, who has been my bestest friend, love and continuous believer and subsequently, blessed with my 3 beautiful children, who have shown me a love I never knew was possible and adventures that make every day something to live for.
Having attended, at the young age of 3,4 and 5 years, the beautiful Children’s House, at Grantham Farm Montessori, run by my totally inspiring and incredible godmother, Shaunagh de Boinville. I have instilled a passion and love for working alongside children, observing and understanding the joys of their world. Through my Montessori teaching, I have gained great experience and understand the importance of allowing children to explore holistically in order to learn. Providing wonderful environments to allow this to happen.
So my aim for place of little dreams is to increase parents/children’s awareness to the wonderful and beautiful products and talented artists worldwide. I want to provide inspiration and support for parents and children, and to provide something truly unique and unforgettable to young children, giving them the best opportunities available.
If a child is inspired and comfortable within its surroundings, they can grow and explore happily with content.
Childhood is a fun and magical time, where memories need to be made.
‘let the beauty of what you love be what you do’ -Rumi