The sweetest little boy in my class was exploring his cutting skills with scissors the other day and suddenly turned to me and said, ‘Look Miss Lexi, a jelly fish…’ It was the sweetest moment, that a little person, so carefully concentrating on his cutting in little straight line, all in a row, to suddenly recognise with such pure joy, that not only had he achieved something so brilliant, as being able to use the scissors successfully but he had achieved turning a boring piece of paper into something!!! We then wondered what the jelly fish might look like and he got so excited and carried away, with eyes and big smiles. It was so lovely I couldn’t help but want to do it with my boys as soon as I got home and see what they made of this delightful little activity. It was met with joy…a lovely art activity was born.
what you need…
- paper or card rectangles
- scissors
- pritt stick
- pens
- goggly eyes
what to do…
- cut strips along from one end of the rectangle card, to half way up
- using a pritt stick spread some glue onto the top half of the card
- place the goggly eyes on
- with a pen, draw the face!!!
- jellyfish made!!!
then into a little dream adventure…
- what other animals or creatures can you make using scissors and card and a little bit of creativity!!!
- read the most awesome story ‘Commotion in the Ocean,’ by Giles Andreae, possibly one of my all time fav’s
- at my eldest son’s school, I over heard one of the classes singing a brilliant song about a jelly fish, it was so cool, check out preschool songs about jelly fish on u-tube!!!
- what other animals live in the ocean?
- what is your favourite underwater animal?
- go to the local Aquarium for a special treat…always such a gorgeous day out amongst the fishes!!!