I’ve just been to the supermarket, with my boys, and arriving into mayhem, (which made me think it must be Christmas and not Easter), chocolate eggs everywhere, people everywhere, trolleys full to the brim everywhere, and me and my overladen pushchair with little boys in it eating all the crisps feeling like I was about to drop everything everywhere!!! it was such a relief to get home in one piece, despite the volume of crisps consumed which meant lunch hardly made a feature!!! As I was unloading my shopping, of which it seemed to be either yellow or chocolate!!! I came across a freebie magazine, which in a genius second during my chaos at the checkout, I must have thrown into the mix!!! and what a joy it was to find!!! not only for the obviously mouth wateringly delicious recipes to treat your family too over Easter, of which I will probably manage a grand total of zero, as I intend to go no where near a supermarket again in the next few days and obviously never have the right ingredients. BUT it also had fab photos of eggs – easter eggs, chicken eggs, easter egg shaped biscuits, chickens, spring flowers, chocolate bunnies!!! so me being me, now saw this little magazine as a simple child’s craft project, rather than a index for recipes!!! So this is what I did….
what you need…
- easter food magazine
- pritt stick
- paper
- scissors
what you do…
- either you or if your child is able cut all easter/spring/flower/animal photo picture out
- with a pritt stick, encourage your child to glue on the cut outs to a piece of paper
- collage!!!
then into a little dream adventure…
- this activity can obviously be done using any magazine and choosing a theme accordingly
- garden, flowers, food, fashion, cartoon, the choice is endless…
- using different fabrics, encouraging a child to explore their sense of touch through different textures
- look at the work of famous artists who use collage in their work, like Picasso, Mattise, Miro…all who have made incredibly inspiring pieces