Slimy and slippery, Snails are so much fun,
Slowly they move, they can’t even run.
Leaving their trail, behind them as they go.
You can see where they’ve been, and how very slow.
On their back is a shell, its really their home.
Its ever so small, but it goes where they roam.
On stalks are their eyes, they wave all around.
One can point up, and one on the ground!
They eat lots of plants, and all of the flowers,
Munching away, especially in showers.
Shiny and slippery, Snails are such fun.
They eat and they eat, they must weigh a ton!

what to do…

  1. Glue a spiral shape with string onto a piece of card and leave to dry.
  2. Once the string is dried onto the card it is ready for printing.
  3. Using brown paint, paint over the string using a paint brush.
  4. Turn over onto a plain piece of card and press down to make print
  5. Cut a slim rectangular shape from your fel tand stick below the snail shell print
  6. Glue some short pieces of string onto the end of the felt for the snails antennae
  7. Glue goggly eyes on to the top of the antennae
  8. Snail made!!

then into a little dream adventure…

  • why not try a little cooking activity? using puff pastry and rolling it into a snail spiral shape and baking in the oven, and for extra deliciousness, sprinkle cheese on the top before baking.
  • moving like a snail? sliding along the floor slowly.
  • looking for snails outside in the garden, following their trails round the flower pots and over the leaves.
  • can you think of any other creatures that creep and crawl in the garden? Worms, caterpillars, slugs.
  • cooking spaghetti for lunch!!!