This week has been rather absorbed in the beautiful blossom lining the streets and parks of London, and the gardens of the countryside. It reminded me of a sweet little book a family friend gave me on my 4th birthday, which I have always referred to when I find a moment amongst the flower fairies a absolute must!!! I love the little flower fairy poems written by Cicely Mary Barker, and I just so happened to come across one about apple blossom!!! So I thought I’d share with you, t share with your children to complete our week on blossom!

Apple blossomflower fairy 1

Up in the tree we see you, blossom babies,
All pink and white;
We think there must be fairies to protect you
From frost and blight.
Until some windy day, in drifts of petals,
You take your flight.

You’ll fly away! But if we wait with patience,
Some day we’ll find,
Here in your place, full-grown up and ripe,
The apple you left behind-
A goody gift indeed, from blossom babies,
To human kind!