easter eggsSo, if like me, you have way too much chocolate still kicking around from Easter…eggs, bunnys, and more eggs!!!! This might just be the answer to rid yourself of the daily chocolate guilt, of that ‘only one more and that’s it!!!’ feeling…and using up a handful or two chocolate eggs all at once!!! and no one will be complaining when they see the delicious result served to them for pudding!!!

This, I have to admit, was not my idea, but the idea of my chocolate genius of a nephew, Max aged 8!!! and as soon as the story was shared I then felt the need to make, eat, and share almost immediately….


what you need…

  • chocolate eggs
  • chocolate bunnies
  • saucepan
  • glass bowl
  • wooden spoon
  • ice cream
  • spoon
  • bowl
  • sprinkles (if you have them!!!)

what to do…

  1. pop the Easter eggs or chocolate bunnies in the glass bowlmelting chocolate eggs
  2. place the glass bowl over a saucepan of gently boiling water
  3. stir with the wooden spoon until all the chocolate has melted
  4. serve yourself and your children a generous helping of ice cream
  5. spoon the melted chocolate over the ice cream
  6. add sprinkles if you have!!!
  7. and serve…YUM!!!

then into a little dream adventure…

  • use the wrapping of the Easter eggs and bunnies to make a beautiful colourful collage of foils
  • use the boxes the eggs came in for 3D modelling, painting, gluing, taping together…what can you build?
  • maybe your Easter eggs came in sweet little Easter themed tins? draw round the tins, using them as stencils to make a spring picture!