what to do…

  1. cut out a card or paper template of a duck
  2. using some white paint, paint the duck
  3. find a boggley eye or two and glue them onto the duck
  4. cut out a yellow felt beak and glue it onto the duck


then into a little dream adventure…

  • singing the nursery rhyme ‘5 little ducks went swimming one day…’
  • going down to the local stream or pond to feed the ducks, asking questions – how many ducks can you see? what noise does a duck make? what colour are the ducks feathers?
  • the male duck is called a drake, the female duck is called a duck and a baby duck is called a duckling
  • counting duck eggs at the farm
  • reading ‘fix it duck,’ ‘farmer duck,’ or ‘farmyard hullaballo’