chick, chick, chick, chicken,
lay a little egg for me…
chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken,
i want one for my tea...
i havent had an egg since breakfast,
and now its half past three.
so, chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken,
lay a little egg for me.
what you need:
- two eggs for every one child
- saucepan
- large mixing bowl
- fork
- mayonnaise
- salt and pepper for seasoning
- two slices of bread per sandwich
- knife
what to do…
- boil eggs for 10 minutes
- once hard boiled, run under cold water
- once the shell has cooled, ask your child to help peel off the shell by rolling the egg to crack the shell and then peeling off
- put eggs into a large mixing bowl
- if desired add a dollop of mayonnaise
- using a fork, mash the egg up, add salt and pepper if wished!
- spread the egg mixture onto a slice of bread, then place another slice of bread on top and press together
- using a knife cut the sandwich into 4
- enjoy!!
then into a little dream adventure…
- maybe cook dip dip eggs with soldier toast fingers, or fried eggs, or scrambled egg on bagels with smoked salmon or ham, or poached egg on muffins with spinach and hollandaise sauce, or my favorite, eggy bread!!!
- go to the countryside and visit a farm, see the chickens and collect their eggs…what other animals on the farm lay eggs?
- look at the chickens, how many different coloured feathers, sizes of chicken are their? what do you feed chickens??
- read the books ‘little red hen,’ ‘farmyard hullabaloo,’ ‘cock a doodle doo.’
- explore egg timers!!! how long does it take for the sand to reach the bottom? what can you do in that time? cluck like a hen, cock a doddle doo like a cockerel?