The sun comes out on London town, the mood lifts, the frowns fade and the smiles take over…and then there’s the beautiful blossoms that line the streets, the pavements being covered in pink tissue paper petals. Almost nothing can beat that bold bright blue sky against the delicate fragile first signs of spring…happiness comes and with heads held high life carries on.blossom2

what you need…

  • pink paintblossom3
  • white paint
  • brown paint
  • preferably blue paper
  • a little stick

what to do…

  1. using the little stick as a paint brush, dip it into the brown paint and draw branches on the blue paper
  2. with little finger tips, pop them in the pink or white paint
  3. make as many little finger prints either side of the brown branches…
  4. your very own blossom…

then into a little dream adventure…

  • you can do finger printing to illustrate all sorts of trees and leaves, stems and their flowers
  • collect sticks and twigs and glue them down onto paper, and then scrunching up pink and white tissue paper and glue them either side of the sticks to make a more 3D effect refer to
  • learning about the life cycle of a tree and how it relates to the seasons