I just love clutter!!!! I’m a clutter hoard…from ribbons and buttons, to paper clips and pens…I just love keeping all things colourful and creative!!! BUT there comes a point when this ‘stuff’ becomes so much part of who you are you just can’t hide it away in a forgotten drawer, only to remember it when you are looking for something else entirely!!!
So…I’ve come up with a few ideas to help organise the chaos of my clutter, into a more attractive, and appealing way for all!!!
Why not use some of those ‘too posh to touch’ wine decanters that sit on a shelf never touched for storing your buttons, or paperclips or drawing pins in?!!! Or better yet, the flower pots that are piling up your shed, use a few to pop the crayons, pens and paintbrushes in, for a fabulously rustic feel to your creative table…or if you happen to have any kiln jars storing in the larder cupboard, why not get them out, dust them off and fill them to the brim with all those gorgeous ribbons you’ve saved from Christmas or birthday presents?!!!
I love my storage solutions for my creative bits and bobs, do you have any to share? Please do….